The YES Meditations - The soft, sweet yes of your caress

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As women we spend our lives looking out - children, men, careers - and we neglect ourselves. Over time we can become numb to our sexuality, to our inner landscape of desires and needs.

There reaches a time when our inner voice calls to us. It gets louder and louder and yet, we haven't been taught how to listen or how to connect with it.

Here are four meditations. They are foundational meditations, beginner meditations. However far we get there is always value in having the foundational patterns there to support us, like familiar friends, when we get lost again - which we do. They are a place to start gently, lovingly with yourself.

I have added them in a certain order for you to try out however there are no rules, so break them and dive in to whichever calls you at any time.

For some of us we can be so numb we can't connect at all and our bodies throw us out. Don't judge yourself if this happens! Be gentle and try again. You are building trust.

Meditation One - the soft, sweet YES of your body

This is a body scan connecting you to the felt sense of your body, the sensations inside and outside you. When we connect to this we increase our capacity for sensation during intimacy.

Meditation two - the soft sweet YES of your caress

This is a delightful practice to do first thing in the morning or whenever you get a free moment. We are trained to say no, our cells have heard that over and over again. They believe it. Let's re-pattern them to say yes instead.

Meditation three - the soft sweet YES of your breath

This breath pattern I learnt from Andrew Weil and it brings you into a relaxed and slightly giddy state. I love anything that makes me a little light headed. There is great happiness in it.

Meditation four - the soft, sweet YES of your dance

Movement shifts stuck energy inside us and we have lots! Take a moment to gaze in the mirror first and find a part of you that your mind is critical of. That part is calling out for love and compassion. This is a chance to give it to it. You will need to line up a track to move to first.

I want this!

Four guided meditations to connect you to your body's wisdom

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The YES Meditations - The soft, sweet yes of your caress

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